Various TTRPG Tools

During this pandemic I’ve implemented a few small quick and dirty apps to help people create and maintain characters for their Fate Core games, among other tools. This is a list of those tools and, when possible, a link to a running instance you can use.

Fate Core Tools

Fate Condensed Character Sheet

This is a web-app implementation of the stock character sheet that comes with the Fate Condensed PDF. (Also available as a separate download).

You can find the source code at: jason-c-daniels/fate-condensed-character-sheet

You can find a copy running at: this location

Fate Core Character Sheet

This is a web-app implementation of the stock character sheet that comes with the Fate Core PDF. (Also available as a separate download). It goes way above and beyond the PDF, however. You can configure what exactly is displayed, rename skills…etc. If memory serves me correctly there are up to 1028 possible layouts. Although only a subset of those will really be useful.

You can find the source code at: jason-c-daniels/fate-core-character-sheet

You can find a copy running at: this location

Fate Character Creation Worksheet

This is a web-app implementation of the stock Character Creation Worksheet that comes with the Fate Core PDF. (Also available as a separate download).

You can find the source code at: jason-c-daniels/fate-character-creation-worksheet

You can find a copy running at: this location

Fate Game Creation Worksheet

This is a web-app implementation of the stock Game Creation Worksheet that comes with the Fate Core PDF. (Also available as a separate download).

You can find the source code at: jason-c-daniels/fate-game-creation-worksheet

You can find a copy running at: this location

Fantasy Age

Fantasy Age is a TTRPG ultimately derived from the Dragon Age video game. It’s a simple, and easy to use TTRPG.

Fantasy Age Character Sheet

The stock character sheet had a couple of small omissions, and the format was a bit cramped. So I expanded it out to two pages, and included the missing information.

You can find the source code at: jason-c-daniels/fantasy-age-character-sheet

You can find a copy running at: this location


SLUG is a universal, ultra-light, general purpose TTRPG. The rules fit on a single sheet of paper and include examples of game play.

Slug Character Sheet

You can find the source code at: jason-c-daniels/slug-character-sheet

You can find a copy running at: this location

Tech Stack

  • OS: Debian Stretch
  • Editing Software: JetBrains Webstorm.
  • Version Control: the git command line.