GitHub Projects

Below is a list of past and present personal projects I’ve published to github at: jason-c-daniels/

Jcd.SRecord (an s-record handling library)

About this library

This .NET Standard 2.1 library will load, parse and compute statistics on an s-record file. It was implemented according to the documentation found in the Ubuntu srec manpage and the Wikipedia SREC (file format) article, as well as other random articles I found with Google searches. (They all ultimately pointed back to these two sources, or some derivation of them.)


About the git-ver scripts

This is a set of bash scripts I’ve assembled to help with semantic versioning within a git repository. They’re still in very early development, and they’re really just an exercise in keeping my bash scripting skills sharp. But if you want something with no more dependencies than git and bash, these might just be for you. (GitVersion is a well respected tool with .NET dependencies. Not everyone wishes to install .NET in order to perform simple versioning. It was with that in mind that I created these scripts.)


About the jcd-new scripts

This is a set of bash scripts I’ve cobbled together to help me with making various .NET Standard libraries. It’s pretty raw right, but does the job and saves me time. I still have to add some template files for GitHub pull requests, contributing…etc. (I’m adding those manually to each project right now.)


Various TTRPG Tools

During this pandemic I’ve implemented a few small quick and dirty apps to help people create and maintain characters for their Fate Core games, among other tools. This is a list of those tools and, when possible, a link to a running instance you can use.

This Website on GitHub

That’s right. This site’s code is hosted on GitHub, one of the world’s leading cloud-based source code repositories. The site also runs from there.